Social Media Marketing FAQs

Social Media Marketing FAQs

Q1. What kind of content should I post?

You can turn to social media to see what your competitors are posting online. This is always the first step. Do not copy them but get inspiration. It is very helpful to create a social media calendar and get on a schedule to save time and efforts. Canva is a great way to design eye catching graphics.

Be creative, entertain and inspire your audience. Become the expert in your field. At Premiere Social Media, we have a team of content writers who create the best content for your business.

Q2. What social media platforms can I use for my business?

It is essential to have your business listed on all forms of social media. The top platforms are Google My Business, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube. Claim and create all platforms. Choose the top one to focus the most on. Choose the next top two to post on regularly but not spend as much time on, once it is up and going. The ones that you do not use often, use them to direct people to the main ones.

You must figure out where your audience is before you start. There is no point in pitching, talking, and communicating to the wrong audiences. Keep in mind whether your focus is B2B or B2C. Age and demographics play a big part in choosing which platforms you will be most active in. Facebook is always the number one place to start for every business.

Q3. Should I create different posts for each platform?

Yes, each social media platforms is very different. On Facebook we add value and offer expertise, while on Instagram we post compelling photos. LinkedIn was specifically created for business owners. They all have their reasons why people favor one over the other.

We offer social media training to teach you about each platform in depth.

Q4. Why should I use social media?

Social media mixed with networking is the best form of marketing at this time. The world is increasingly going social. Studies show that 30% of all the time spent online is spent on social media platforms. Social media is where people are and you are expected to be there as a business owner.

Without having a social media presence, your brand will struggle to gain visibility. You need to move with the times and get on social media today.

Q5. How often should I post?

Each platform is very different. Facebook should be posted on no more than once per day. On platforms like Twitter and Instagram, you can post frequently, even as much as 4 to 5 times per day.

You can also use Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat stories. They only last 24 hours, but they are incredibly effective when it comes to getting seen.

Q6. Do I need social media for my business?

You need social media marketing for your business. Every business needs it. You are expected to be there.

People leave reviews and feedback on your products, ask questions and even order on your page. Your potential customers will google your products and company to choose if they want to become a client.

About 85% of people look up businesses online before transacting with them. Traditional advertising is slowly dying. It is social media marketing that can help in creating trust in your products and services.

Q7. Can we measure ROI with social media?

Although it is not very straightforward to measure ROI with social media, there are a few things that you can directly measure and track. When running paid ads, you will get the results of your ads directly from that platform. These results can be somewhat misleading as one may get a sale in the future from that person that saw the ad, rather than when it ran. Ad results only report certain items, depending on what type of campaign you are running. Remember that likes, messages, comments, shares, website views, referrals, emails, calls and of course new, future and current clients are all things that will come from your marketing efforts on social media. It is very hard to track all of these when running one ad.

Q8. Will social media help me grow my business?

If social media marketing is done properly, it will be very beneficial to your business. With social media, you will build credibility, strengthen your brand, get your business in front of the right audience, while getting new payed clients and staying in front of your current clients.

Start marketing with social media today. If you are unsure of how to effectively market, we offer training, consulting and management.

Q9. What are the benefits of social media marketing for my business in Arizona?

Social media is a must to all businesses worldwide. The way businesses interact and communicate with customers has changed forever. Social media builds credibility and gets your message in front of new clients and keeps you in front of clients that you already have. You develop deep relationships with your customers when you connect on social media. It helps your customers stay informed and helps you increase your reach and revenue.


If you are not currently on social media, now is the time to start. Do it for you and your business. Dominate your competition today.

Contact us now to schedule a FREE phone consultation. We help clients worldwide.