
Would you ever buy a diamond ring without knowing what it looks like? 

Most probably not!

Customers don’t consider spending money even on cheap costume jewelry without thinking about whether or not it will look good on them. In 2019, Google conducted research in which we learned that 50% of shoppers consider images of any product before deciding if they want to buy it.

If you are a business owner selling something online, it becomes even more challenging to convince your customers that they need your product or service. Because they cannot hold, feel, or physically see the item they are buying, your task of selling it becomes twice as difficult. To compensate for that, you can use excellent images and photography in your online marketing campaign, giving your product more chances of getting sold. 

Here are some tried and tested ways to integrate images and help improve your website’s conversion rates:

1. Choose Relevant Images

It goes without saying that you should choose images that accurately describe the service or product you are selling.

If you are selling a physical product on your website, it is best to use original photos. Invest in professional photography so you can upload detailed images of your items. Take photos from every angle and ensure your customers can clearly see what they are about to add to their cart. Your website’s conversion rates greatly depend on how convinced your visitors are about the quality of your product.

Stock images may be a better option if you sell a service. With so many websites offering free and paid images, you are sure to find one that describes your offer. However, even with these readymade photos, you must ensure that they are relevant and will prove to be high-converting stock images for your brand.

2. Let Your Customers Experience It

Suppose you want to buy a wide-brimmed summer hat. Would you simply walk into a store, pick up just any hat, pay for it, and leave? Of course not! You would definitely want to try it on to see how it looks on you, wouldn’t you? 

Similarly, when selling something on your website, give your customers a chance to see how they or a look-alike person would look wearing it or using it. This technique will engage the users’ senses, increasing the chances of conversion. 

For example, ask your consumers to share pictures of them using your product or services. You can also offer your visitors a “try it on” feature just like Specsavers, an eyeglass and contact lens company, is doing on their website


When customers see how they will look in a specific set of glasses, the chances of them immediately purchasing the product increase.

3. Use High-Quality Images

It is highly recommended to use excellent photos if you want your website to convert. Your customers will become disinterested if you fail to upload clearly visible images of your products.

Always use a high-quality camera to take photos of your product. Use available tools to enhance your photos and make them attractive. When you edit your pictures and resave them, ensure you are not compromising on their clarity. Images that are blurry or pixelated can leave a bad impression on your customers that can, in turn, bring down your website’s conversion rate.

For instance, here are two photos of the same product. Which one would make the dress more appealing to you?


The same dress but in a pixelated image:


4. Optimize Your Images for the Web

How would you make sales if your customers can’t even find your website online? The whole eCommerce game relies on getting found on the internet through a Google search, which means you must do something that lands you at the top of the SERPs. One excellent method to achieve this ranking is by optimizing the images on your website.

Give your image file names by describing them accurately. When a person’s search query or keyword matches your image, it will immediately appear on the search engine results page. This way, the chances of your website getting found by your potential customers become higher, directly leading to increased conversions. 

Another method to optimize your images is to ensure they load quickly. You can achieve this by compressing them and ensuring they aren’t substantial in size. It won’t take a visitor any more than 6 seconds to leave a website if it takes too long to load. Most of the time, heavy image sizes are the culprit behind slow websites. Many online photo compression tools can aid you in reducing your image’s size. Use them efficiently and see the magic!


The most effective way to increase your website’s conversion rates is to pique your visitors’ interest and make them stay longer. Using images to make your website appealing to potential customers is an excellent method of achieving your conversion goals. Keep your images relevant to what you have to offer, optimize them for the internet to make them load faster, and ensure they are of the highest quality possible. By following the tips outlined in this article, you will be on your way to increased sales and higher conversion rates in no time!